Long Winter Hike: How to Properly Prepare and Equip Yourself
Outdoor Activities | February 3, 2025
December 24, 2021
For the new year, you want to make all sorts of resolutions: get back in shape, take care of yourself, spend more quality time as a couple or with your family, play outside more often, reconnect with nature, have a healthier lifestyle… What if only one resolution could allow you to accomplish all of this at once? Discover tips on how to make it happen and keep your resolution all year long.
Discover 7 easy tips and small actions you can incorporate into your daily routine to keep your resolution year-round and make the most of the great outdoors.
And let’s face it, it’s even more motivating to keep your commitments with brand new outdoor gear.
No wonder the book The Miracle Morning, by Hal Elrod, is so popular. The book touts the importance of getting up early to achieve fulfillment and to be happy. Even bloggers and personal development specialists are getting on board and proclaiming the benefits of waking up an hour or two earlier than usual to meditate, to workout, to read or write. This habit requires a bit of discipline during the first 30 days, but it will quickly take root and become a part of your routine, to your greatest pleasure.
Use this new slot in your agenda to go outside, go for a walk, a run. Go snowshoeing or skating if you’re lucky enough to have this sort of environment close by. Rather than starting your work day with a yawn, you’ll start your day loaded with oxygen, brain lit up, eyes glowing, with a rested complexion, looking like you slept an extra hour.
Ready, set your alarm on your smart watch or alarm clock, and go!
To integrate the outdoors to your daily life, taking advantage of your lunch hour or mid-day break can be a wise choice and relatively easy to orchestrate, especially if you work from home.
Give your eyes a break and put aside your computer screen and phone, and go for a walk to the river, to the park or even to the or the local shops where you need to run errands.
Why not take advantage to go for a little run? You’ll return to work energized and ready to tackle your afternoon!
All you need to do is dress head to toe in a warm coat for men or women, especially in the cold season, and good walking boots.
When the motivation is nowhere to be found, a little being may force us to be active! If you have a baby, and if going for a walk with the stroller bores you, get yourself a jogging model or even an all-terrain multi-sport model – for running, walking, biking or cross-country skiing – that will make you want to go out and hit the trails, the beach or the snowy fields!
Are your kids or nephews too big for the stroller? Opt for a sled. It’s also a great item to practice carrying weights or to take out ice fishing.
If you don’t have a little one, think of adopting a dog! Many of these endearing little creatures in animal shelters are waiting for a family.
If you’re thinking of adopting a dog or already own one, take your pooch out for a run. He needs to go outside several times a day to stretch his little legs. Dress him up in a harness, coat and small, all-terrain boots.
To appreciate winter, you need to know how to make the most of it. Broaden your horizons and take the time, at least once a month, to try a winter sport you’ve never practiced, or barely ever have. You have the classics: snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, snowboarding, skating, hockey, sledding… And you have the originals: alpine touring, winter camping, mountain biking on snow, kite skiing, fat bike riding, etc. The important thing is that you have enough fun to want to repeat the experience. Don’t forget to bring valuable accessories that will allow you to preserve your warmth.
Continue this new resolution as spring, summer and fall roll around. There are plenty of activities; trail running, biking, climbing, SUP, fishing, hunting, etc.
Good spikes and studs will help you move around and continue to be active when the streets are covered in ice and snow. Therefore, if you lack the time to practice your leisure activities, at least your runs to the grocery store will become invigorating outdoor excursions! Still have a few minutes to spare? Dare to make a detour towards a tree-lined location you’ve never been to, or that newly opened bakery in your neighbourhood. The more enjoyable you’ll make your excursions, the more you’ll want to go out again!
This summer, it’s the same story! Trade in your cleats for two wheels and do your shopping by biking.
To stick to a resolution, there’s nothing better than sharing it! Let the people around you know about your intentions and invite the ones you love to join in your outdoor activities. Once you’ve selected a date in your agenda, it becomes much harder to back down!
And you don’t have to be an experienced athlete to get out on the trails, learn to throw a line in the water or watch the birds.
From time to time, book three nights, a week or even two in an inn, a lodge, a cabin, a shelter or a campsite, and fully dedicate your escapade to the outdoors, alone or with company! It will be a sort of detox in nature, playing outside and discovering magical landscapes. It’ll most likely become a tradition, trust us!